There are many different ways that you can save money by moving into or buying a tiny house.
The initial cost of buying or building a tiny house is much less than buying a conventional house. It’s estimated to be 80% less expensive to live in a tiny home over a regular house, so you could spend some of that house deposit you’ve been saving!
If you’re building a tiny house yourself, the main costs to consider are materials and time, and if you use recycled materials that cost may go down even more!
Tiny houses also reduce the cost of your bills thanks to lower energy requirements. You don’t need as much heating, electricity/gas, or water, which means more of your money can go into the bank. If you get a solar panel to fit on your roof, that cost will continue to go down.
The third reduction is slightly surprising, but a tiny house can actually result in lower maintenance costs. You don’t need to spend as much on cleaning supplies, or repairs, maintenance other costs that come along with having a larger home.