With exams and coursework deadlines fast approaching, it won’t be long until another year of university is over. Although you will no doubt have a lot on your plate with studying and revising for your exams, you might also want to consider what you are going to do with all of your belongings come the end of the year. A lot of students will be heading home for the summer after another year at university, but it can be difficult to decide what to bring with you. Moving all of your belongings back home is not always practical and bulky items like furniture can take up too much room. You might not even have enough room at home to bring all of your belongings with you. That’s why self storage can be useful (as well as affordable) for students over the summer months.
Don't want to move your stuff back at the end of term? Store it until you're back

Why do you need storage?
Most students will move home during the summer to save money on things like rent and food. Another major reason for moving home is that it is unlikely that you will remain in the same accommodation throughout your studies. If you are just finishing your first year then it is likely that you will be moving out of halls and looking for new accommodation next term. There may have also been problems with your accommodation which means that you want to look for somewhere new to live next year. Whatever your reasons; it is more than likely that you will have a lot of belongings that you need to take with you.
Which items should I put into storage?
When moving home you should consider which items you will actually need and which items are better left in storage. There are bound to be plenty of belongings that you won’t need once you get home but don’t want to get rid of altogether. Cooking equipment and kitchen utensils can usually be left behind. Your parents will have plenty of cooking equipment at home. Most bedroom accessories won't be needed as you will more than likely have your own belongings at home. You may even own a variety of decorative items or fancy dress that you won’t be needing until you head back to Uni. All of these items are ideal for temporary self storage.
How much is self storage?
Many people see self storage as being an expensive service but this doesn’t always have to be the case. There are plenty of ways that you can cut costs on self storage and you don’t have to spend a fortune on it. Some top tips for keeping your storage costs low include;
Look for Student Storage offers. A number of large companies will offer student discounts to make storage services more affordable. If you are thinking of storing with a company then make sure you ask them whether they offer student storage. Make Space offers students a 50% discount.
Share the storage unit. It is more than likely that a number of housemates will also be facing the same problem when it comes to thinking about what they can take home. Why not group together and take out a storage unit for all of your items?
Make sure you pack well. If you put in the work beforehand and pack your items efficiently you won’t need a very large storage unit. Use storage or cardboard boxes to organise your items and make them easier to store. Label these boxes so you remember what is in them!
Self storage can provide the perfect solution for students that don’t want to bring their entire belongings home with them from University in the summer. If you are looking for a storage service in London or Essex then make sure you get in touch with Make Space Self Storage to see how we can help.