You should also consider where you are going to store all of the items you plan on selling through eBay, as it can often work out cheaper to buy items in bulk. But you probably don’t want your home to be taken over by lots of items you are waiting to sell. If you have expanded your seller limit and want to increase your product inventory, then you should consider self storage to help grow your business. We offer flexible storage so you can increase or decrease the size of your unit to meet your needs. You can treat your storage unit as a business hub and keep all packaging items here too.
These are the six top tips for selling things on eBay and are great tips for getting started but there are plenty more ways you can improve your seller profile online. One of the main things you should focus on is getting feedback from your customers to build a level of trust. By providing a high level of service and following up on purchases with emails you can help to drive reviews to your seller profile. Make sure that you also include a fair and clear returns policy on your products to help customers feel secure in purchasing items from you.